Dieting is easy when we discuss it in theory. Eat less, exercise, and be patient. But, when you have to actually put yourself through it, it’s a whole other story and if you’re reading this, you probably know exactly what I mean. I mean if it was easy, everyone would be walking around with supermodel figures!
So why is it so hard? Well, most of the time it’s the habits you have developed over the years that are sabotaging you. Here are four eating habits that are destroying your diet, and what you can do to avoid making these mistakes!

It's quite common for the average person to have something to drink while they have a meal. For breakfast, maybe it’s a fruit juice. For lunch, a coffee or a soft drink, and for dinner, likely the same as lunch or even an alcoholic beverage. In any case, these drinks will usually have a minimum of 150 calories in a single serving and up to 300 calories plus!
Liquid calories are generally extremely dense making just a small serving pack a big punch in terms of calories. This leads to you not being full and often wanting more to satisfy your hunger/thirst. For someone dieting on 2,000 calories a day, 300 calories from a drink is not a smart idea if it’s coupled with meals 3 times a day!
Some better options: Black coffee (without sugar!), tea, or water. If you need something sweet, artificial sweeteners such as stevia are great options as well as diet soft drinks and other lower-calorie beverages.